My Sister’s Voice

Welcome to My Sister’s Voice, the site where I gather information, stories and thoughts on domestic abuse, violence against women, trafficking and social justice.
It’s a hub of articles, information, blogging, empowering and of visions of what can be done to find a solution to this widespread, global problem.

Despite its name, domestic abuse should not be viewed as something that happens inside the four walls of a home or as a ‘women’s issue’ – it is very much a human right’s issue, and something which is affecting millions of women every day around the world.

Wealthy countries, poor countries – domestic abuse knows no boundaries and it is something that exists in every society globally. This widespread problem needs to be addressed, not by just another governmental report or yet another survey, but with action, vision and practical solutions.
We need more voices, louder voices, to be heard in society in the fight against domestic abuse and violence against women. We need to be the voices for all those women who don’t have a voice. Will you join me?

I also run a blog in Swedish, which is my native language, about domestic abuse, violence against women and social justice. The blog is called Halva Världen (Half the World) and is a platform where I address, discuss and campaign about the situation in Sweden, the political scene and the different ways in which this important issue could see a change.


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Men and women as allies in creating a culture of respect and non-violence. Our mission is to foster a culture of empowerment, non-violence and connection.