Tag Archives: advocacy

Not a one-sided problem

The gender equality agenda has been led by the women’s movement for decades. Women and girls have benefited immensely from this relentless advocacy and activism. We must and will continue our efforts.
But this is not just a one-sided problem or a one-sided task – so we can’t look for solutions only to the one side – we won’t find them there. This will take joint action and joint advocacy.

The engagement and involvement of men and boys – the other half of humanity – is needed to end discrimination against women and achieve gender equality in society.

We need men to speak out against all forms of discrimination, and to speak out against sexism, abuse and violence.

We need men to take action to stop violence against women, to refuse to be by-standers, but instead to be vocal and take action to show that abusive behaviour is not ok.

We need men to challenge gender stereotypes and to be positive role models in their families and communities.

We need to find new ways that are truly transformative. New visions, new ideas, new ways.

I believe that all forms of oppression are interconnected. Social justice work in the areas of race, class, gender, age and sexual orientation are all critical to ending violence against women.

We need governments and politicians, church leaders and social authorities, to go beyond just words or the ‘no-response-attitude’. We have to change the narrative because what is being done (or not being done!) in society is not working. We need action. We need a new route.