Tag Archives: lack of housing

It shouldn’t hurt to go home

The lack of affordable housing is one of the biggest reasons many women subjected to domestic abuse have nowhere to go, nowhere to turn. We see sheltered housing and refuges are full in most countries and cities, and when women who need to flee with short notice, a lot of the time there is no available space for them, so often there is no other option but to return to an abusive partner, many times fearing for her life.
The women already in the refuges have to stay on as no affordable housing is available, making it harder for ‘newly arrived’ women to get a place at the refuge. In other words, the lack of housing ‘plugs up’ the whole system.
So, the root cause? The solution? No matter how many refuges we have, the root cause and what we really need to look at for long-term solutions is housing.

Keep an eye out for my upcoming Crowdfunding campaign where housing is one of the issues I will be focusing on.
We need to build smarter, cheaper and more efficiently. Housing less expensive to build and less expensive to live in. So that more people will have the chance to have a decent and affordable home. A home without fear and abuse. A home it shouldn’t hurt to go home to.